How Many Calories in Pinto Beans

Here is a table with the Calories in Pinto Beans along with the fat, protein and carbohydrate content.

opular Pinto Beans Serving Sizes Fat(g) Carbs(g) Prot(g) Calories
1/4 cup 0.49 9.15 2.92 52
1/2 cup 0.97 18.30 5.83 103
1 cup 1.94 36.60 11.66 206
1 oz 0.23 4.32 1.38 24
Related Foods (1 cup) Fat(g) Carbs(g) Prot(g) Calories
Cooked Pinto Beans 14.85 33.91 11.61 313
Pinto Bean Soup 0.71 35.72 11.13 192