How Many Calories in Quinoa

Here is a table with the Calories in Quinoa along with the fat, protein and carbohydrate content.

Serving Sizes of Quinoa Fat(g) Carbs(g) Prot(g) Calories
1/4 cup 2.46 29.28 5.57 159
1/2 cup 4.93 58.56 11.14 318
1 oz 1.64 19.53 3.71 106
100 grams 5.80 68.90 13.10 374
Related Foods (1 cup) Fat(g) Carbs(g) Prot(g) Calories
Cooked Rice 1.69 43.67 4.17 213
Cooked White Rice with Pasta 5.70 43.29 5.13 246