How Many Carbs in Wine

Here is a table with the Carbs in Wine and related foods.

Popular Varieties of Wine Net Carbs(g) Sugar(g) Fiber(g) Total Carbs(g)
Red Wine (5 fl oz glass serving)
Burgundy 5.46 5.46
Cabernet Franc 3.60 3.60
Cabernet Sauvignon 3.82 3.82
Chianti 4.01 1.17 4.01
Gewurztraminer 3.82 3.82
Merlot 3.69 0.91 3.69
Pinot Noir 3.40 3.40
Red Table 3.84 0.91 3.84
Sangiovese 3.85 3.85
Syrah 3.79 3.79
Zinfandel 4.20 4.20
White Wine (5 fl oz glass serving)
Chenin Blanc 4.90 4.90
Pinot Blanc 2.85 2.85
Pinot Gris (Grigio) 3.03 3.03
Riesling 5.54 5.54
Sauvignon Blanc 3.01 3.01
Semillon 4.59 4.59
White Table 3.82 1.41 3.82
Other Common Suggestions Net Carbs(g) Sugar(g) Fiber(g) Total Carbs(g)
5 fl oz Table Wine 4.03 1.17 4.03
5 fl oz Light Wine 1.73 1.70 1.73
1 glass Sweet Dessert Wine 14.10 8.01 14.10
1 Wine Cooler 13.69 11.32 13.69
1 Wine Spritzer 2.38 0.69 2.38
1 fl oz Cooking Wine 1.83 0.45 1.83
2 fl oz Port 8.08 4.59 8.08