How Much Protein in Blueberries

Here is a table with the Protein in Blueberries. USDA nutrition database.

Popular Serving Sizes of Blueberries Prot(g)
1 Blueberry 0.01
10 Blueberries 0.10
1/4 cup 0.27
1/2 cup 0.54
1 cup 1.07
1 oz 0.21
Other Types of Blueberries
(1 cup serving)
Frozen Blueberries 0.65
Sweetened Frozen Blueberries 0.92
Canned Blueberries in Water Pack 1.22
Canned Blueberries in Heavy Syrup 1.66
Other Common Suggestions Prot(g)
1 Blueberry Muffin 6.22
1 Blueberry Pancake 2.32
1 piece Blueberry Pie 3.97