How Much Protein in Raspberries

Here is a table with the Protein in Raspberries and related foods.

Serving Sizes of Raspberries Prot(g)
1 raspberry 0.02
10 raspberries 0.23
1/4 cup 0.37
1/2 cup 0.74
1 cup 1.48
1 oz 0.34
Other Types of Raspberries(1 cup) Prot(g)
Red Raspberries 1.48
Black Raspberries 1.61
Sweetened Frozen Raspberries 1.75
Unsweetened Frozen Raspberries 3.00
Canned Raspberries 2.12
Raspberries in Heavy Syrup 2.12
Raspberries in Water Pack 1.94
Other Common Suggestions Prot(g)
1 container Cranberry Raspberry Sauce 1.22
1 piece Raspberry Cream Pie 3.34
1 Raspberry Danish Pastry 3.83
1 piece Raspberry Pie 4.26
1 cup Apple Raspberry Juice 0.26
1 cup Raspberry Flavored Drink