How Many Calories in Calamari

Here is a table with the Calories in Calamari along with the fat, protein and carbohydrate content.

Types of Calamari Fat(g) Carbs(g) Prot(g) Calories
Fried Calamari
1 piece or ring 0.21 0.96 1.47 12
1 cup 3.25 14.85 22.69 187
1 oz 0.61 2.81 4.29 35
Baked or Broiled Calamari
1 piece or ring 0.52 0.42 2.10 15
1 cup 5.17 4.24 21.03 154
1 oz 1.05 0.86 4.26 31
Steamed or Boiled Calamari
1 cup 1.92 4.28 21.63 128
1 oz 0.39 0.87 4.38 26
Related Foods(3 oz) Fat(g) Carbs(g) Prot(g) Calories
Cuttlefish 1.19 1.39 27.61 134
Fried Squid 6.36 6.62 15.25 149